Do you hear dogs barking? The City of Raleigh has been invaded by
Purple shirts and
Gold combat boots. The new Raleigh Convention Center is home to the 76th International Grand Conclave of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated. The "Que Dawgs" are here to enjoy a week long conference that includes seminars, vendors, concerts, a golf-tournament and fellowship with other Omega men from all across the globe. This event is one in a series of other major conferences that will be held here in Raleigh. Omega Psi Phi, a black fraternity founded in 1911, is a Greek letter organization established on the principles of Manhood, Scholarship, Perseverance and Uplift. Their main activities include service to the community, involvement in church activities and political influence. Many of their members are Doctors, Lawyers, Professors and Professional Athletes all well educated members of your local communities. The "Clave" is held every year, with next year returning to Washington, D.C. for the 100 year anniversary of being founded on the campus of Howard University. With the newest addition of the Raleigh Amphitheater next to the Convention Center, Raleigh is definitely trying to set itself apart as the true "Capital City" and a destination for large events such as this one that is expected to draw over 5,000 attendees.

This conference is not just for the boys, the week also includes events for the family and special activities for the women in their lives affectionately referred to as "Quettes". While shooting photos at the Convention Center, I couldn't help but notice all the generations of men who shared a common love for one another despite meeting for the first time for most of them. The fraternity motto "Friendship is essential to the soul" was on full display this weekend as brothers young and old gathered to fellowship with each other. Fathers and Sons, Cousins and Uncles all sharing a legacy with each other as Brothers. It's a great thing to witness in a time when all you read about is violence and crime amongst black men. I chose to write this blog because of that. Although I'm not a member of Omega Psi Phi myself, I have family and friends who are. They are all good examples for our youth and an alternative to the negative publicity that we see everyday involving black men in America. This is a great showcase for them as well as a step ahead for the City of Raleigh, for being chosen as a location to have such an important event for the organization.
These guys wanted to make sure that I tagged this one as "8th D bruhs" |
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